Kate Dawkins

Kate Dawkins Studio ∙ 创办人兼创意总监 ∙ 英国

© William Mathie

Kate Dawkins

Kate Dawkins Studio ∙ 创办人兼创意总监 ∙ 英国

Kate Dawkins是英国电影及电视艺术学院(BAFTA) 的双料获奖设计师及导演,专门为节目、活动和现场演出制作以设计为主调的数码内容。

Dawkins拥有超过20年业界经验,屡获殊荣,曾与多个世界知名品牌合作,包括在2012年伦敦奥运会开幕及闭幕仪式亮相的360˚巨型「Audience pixels」、Nike、Jaguar Land Rover、汽车特技表演Fast & Furious Live、纪念英国阵亡军人的Festival of Remembrance、MTV欧洲音乐大赏及唱作歌手Elton John。




© Fast Live Productions

Fast & Furious Live
Fast & Furious Live. Is an epic global arena show where live action seamlessly blends with projection mapped environments as the action literally bursts from the screen and onto the stage.

@ Royal British Legion/BBC

Festival of Remembrance
The Royal British Legion’s annual Festival of Remembrance took on added significance this year with the centenary of the Armistice marking the end of World War One. A visually stunning 12 min sequence was added to commemorate this moment.

@ Crystal CG International/LOCOG

London 2012 Olympic Ceremonies – Audience Pixels
The brainchild of Danny Boyle, the London 2012 audience pixels consisted of 70,500 separate paddles of 9 high-powered LED lights, fixed to the stadium seats. The giant audience screen allowed the narrative to expand out from the field of play, immersing the audience into the show.


World War One Remembered: Passchendaele
To mark the centenary of Passchendaele, Third Battle of Ypres, the DCMS held a series of commemorative events. One of these special events was an evening in a spectacular multi-media show of projection, live theatrical and musical performances and took place in Ypres Market square

@ Intro/Lucid Films

Elton John – Red Piano Show
The Red Piano show was a rich, flamboyant and stunning visual sell-out show in the ‘state of the art’ theatre at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. Art directed by world famous photographer David LaChapelle.


12月 6日

12月 6日




Benedict Hobson

Dezeen ∙ 首席内容总监 ∙ 英国

Juan Santillan

PORTALSxr ∙ 行政总裁 ∙ 美国

Suhair Khan

Google ∙ 策略及营运 | Google Arts & Culture ∙ 项目主管 ∙ 英国